The Furniture City Feasts : A Celebration of High Point's Food Culture and History
Potluck or covered dish dinners allowed many cooks to share their favorite and best dishes. Shown here, the Wild Flower Garden Club keeps the dishes under foil and plastic wrap during the group photograph.

Today, our kitchens and grocery stores contain an infinite variety of ingredients, many unheard of just a few decades ago. Paprika and curry stand out as the most exotic spices found in cookbooks of yesterday, except in those collecting and preserving the cooking heritage of a particular community. "Seeing the need for passing on these recipes to the younger generation of Greek-Americans, and to our friends who enjoy so heartily good Greek cooking" the Women's Auxillary of St. George's Greek Church in High Point published Enjoy Greek Cooking In America in 1963. The names of the ingredients as well as the specialty dishes were given in Greek. The Heritage Research Center holds a copy in which you can find recipes for Preserved Bitter Oranges, Dolmathes, Amegthalopeta (almond cake) and Youvarlakia (meatballs with lemon sauce).

Photograph: Gift of Elizabeth H. Connor.
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